App Overview


The OSBeehives App turns any iOS or Android device into a powerful beekeeping tool with three main features:

  1. The BuzzBox feature linking your phone with a BuzzBox Sensor (our in-hive monitoring product) and monitor live beehive data 24/7 including temperature, humidity, theft detection and audio recording. This will send you notifications when you are not with your beehive.

  2. The Hive Recording feature allowing you to record & analyse honeybee audio with your smartphone's microphone, then indicate a "state" for your colony. This feature works only when you are physically with your beehive.

  3. App Feedback allowing you to help improve the accuracy and functionality of OSBeehives software for yourself and everyone else in the network, right from inside the App!

Hive States

Our software analysis works by processing all data readings and assinging a hive state. A hive state indicates an issue contributing to the health and status of your honeybee colony. Currently, we are working to detect the following states, and will be adding more as we receive more audio and feedback to further develop this feature.

Hive States:

  • Healthy
  • Collapsed
  • Pre-Swarm
  • Swarming
  • Missing Queen
  • Queen Hatching
  • Dormant
  • Varroa
  • Wax Moth